Mandela Effect Introduction

The Mandela Effect is a term for where a group of people all mis-remember the same detail, event or physicality. It is named after the instance in which a large group of people all shared the same memory that Nelson Mandela died prior to his actual 2013 death, usually some time in the 1980’s. The effect exploded in popularity on the internet when a peculiar example popped up where a majority of people seemed to have recalled the Berenstain Bears books as being spelled as “Berenstein” or some other variation, differing from the actual spelling as presented by evidence.

The effect is somewhat different from a false memory as it effects large groups of people, seemingly without many connections and without the same emotional factors present. It also seems stronger and harder to escape the feeling that it’s simply a mis-remembering of a detail, which is why people are so adamant with claims of their memories. As such, it’s often been hinted at that the Mandela Effect is closely related to cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance can be mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds beliefs, ideas, or values and is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values. Please note the use of “can be” as there is many purists that don’t accept the broader definition and scope of cognitive dissonance applying to memory versus reality.

Many Mandela Effects are usually trivial details about an oddly specific set of categories. These include things such as the how and when of celebrity deaths, misspellings (usually replaced or removed letters), placement of geographical locations, quotations within media, or alternate imagery.

It is also related to misconceptions in general, although, again is differentiated due to the obscure nature and odd feelings resulting from learning the reality. The solutions, explanations and reasons for the misconceptions are also cryptic and often misrepresented or unknown altogether.

The term it fits most with is “confabulation” which is a disturbance of memory which produces fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about the world, without the explicit or conscious intention to deceive others. People who confabulate in this way produce incorrect memories about the most trivial details (as seen with most Mandela Effects) but range up to more complex fabrications as well. They are generally extremely confident in their recollections and will typically resist any contradictory evidence.

The aim of this site is unique among the current offerings online to attempt to dissect the possible causes and solutions for this perplexing phenomenon with a scientific, rational approach. If you’ve come to read about merging of universes, alternate timelines, and time travel then you are in the wrong place (unless you have evidence of such things!). It is of my opinion that the Mandela Effect is a real thing; however, steeped in the realm of sociology and psychology and not science fiction.

Listing of Mandela Effects explored on the site so far:

More information:

Related psychological and phenomenons (possible explanations/factors):

I dive into each of these on the Common Explanations page.

539 thoughts on “Mandela Effect Introduction”

  1. Not all topics in the mandela effect deal with incongruous memories,DAWN a Leslie Charteris story is analysed in the site, with some perplexing facts emerging.

  2. It isn’t a false memory. Mirror mirror on the wall has been chaned to magic miror on the wall. Dont ask me how, just know that I don’t have a thread of doubt about this one.

    • “Mirror mirror” has not been changed to “magic mirror” on the wall. If you research this, it’s both. “Magic mirror” is the name for the mirror in question. In the original story, it’s summoned by saying “mirror, mirror”. This is what many books and animated movies used before and after Disney’s interpretation. Disney’s Snow White changed this to “Magic mirror”, summoning it by it’s real name, instead of through the poem from the original source.

      Reality is not confirmed by your memories or “doubt”. As such, your memories are not fact. Reality and facts are supported by evidence in which memories are not. It’s alarming for most, for sure, and the effect is known as cognitive dissonance.

      There may be several things going on here, but confirmation bias and/or misattribution of memory seems to fit. I’ll do a write-up at some point about the “Mirror, mirror” thing.

      • You miss the point. The Mandela effect assumes that the physical evidence available will show the memory to be false. Btw, I have never seen snow white, and am skeptical about the Mandela effect, but I do remember some of the discrepancies like bernstein.

        • Is it a discrepancy really, since you yourself typed it out “bernstein” when even according to what ME believers say it is in fact “berEnste(a)in”.

          I’ve never even read this book but I did see a lot of people remember it differently, and the newest one was a shock of few that it is no longer bern but beren – so was this a simple typo on your part or did the reality shift again in regards to this?

      • Let me ask you something, how do you think facts and history is made? It was someone’s opinion or perspective that starts it. It’s the collective majority of us that confirms it. Reality can vary greatly; it’s not solid at all. Physics of our natural world will tell you this. You saying people are having faulty memories is just as valid as someone saying you are completely wrong but I’m sure you don’t feel that way. Maybe you should consider that, if not you’re right anyways.

        • You are correct to say that history is opinion BUT facts and reality are not ‘made’ by opinion … even if the entire human race believes something the truth about that ‘something’ (the FACT) may be later discovered and their opinions will be changed … REALITY is simply the truth about something. (Does a falling tree make a sound if there’s nobody in the forest to hear it !)

      • Vaughn, some aspects or “misattributions of memory” of the Mandela Effect can unfortunately not be attributed to so-called cognitive dissonance.

        When last did you take a look at the North Pole on Google Maps/Earth? Guess what? The ice cap is gone. Completely gone. Go look at the Wikipedia page on the North Pole. It indicates the same thing.

        But here’s the clincher. It mentions nothing about the Arctic ice cap melting. And let’s be honest, it would have been a major story, and quite truthfully, a catatastrophe. Until a few years ago, scientists gave the North Pole around fifty years to melt. But now, suddenly, it’s gone. And no one mentioned anything? At all? Not even a little report on page 20 of the New York Times?

        That is what you call irrefutable proof of the Mandela Effect.

        • I’m looking at Google Maps, Google Earth and other sources and can confirm there is an ice cap. The Wikipedia page on the North Pole also talks about melting and gives detailed projections throughout the years. Not sure what you are talking about.

    • Look at how this author tries to dominate your comment. they don’t know. I know it was mirror mirror, so fuck these guys who don’t see it. Most people were not huge fans of most of this stuff so it’s easy to believe that you might have mis remembered. But loyal fans that damn well know… come on. I have all anne rice books and they changed. My own personal stuff on my shelf… It’s A VAMPIRE. I didn’t believe this stuff so i went to go through my books to debunk this… but my books were changed. So this author knows nothing.

      • You are right. I just watched the Oscars for vampire plus an interview with the author and Tom cruise and they all said A vampire.

        • Do you not think “Interview With The/A Vampire” can be chalked up to how we enunciate words in English (any language for that matter). “With” ends in ‘th’; unless you speak very slowly, or enunciate very clearly, “with the” and “with a” are pretty hard to distinguish. Seriously…say it out loud to yourself ‘with a with the with a with the’, if you speak at a normal speed they will sound the same.
          Another thing – have you noticed that all the Mandela Effect examples are either very micro (ie Berenstein, or life is like a box of chocolates) or very macro (ie South America has moved). Where are the intermediary examples? Has anyone noticed their car was a different colour, or that a high school friend from years past never existed? I was originally intrigued by the Mandela Effect, but the more I look into it I believe there in no conspiracy/controversy here. Occam’s razor most likely applies here – fading/changing memories, cognitive dissonance – these make more sense than parallel universes intruding on ours, or the Illuminati using CERN to do devilish dealings.

      • Are you seriously asserting that your books changed while sitting on your shelf? You people are OUT OF YOUR MIND. You belong in a mental institution. Seriously, get help.

    • Also looney toons have been changed to looney tunes and I know that because of toontown. Only toons. Like cartoon characters not music notes.

  3. If the above script doesn’t display the Google Trends chart, please Vaughn be sure to include how the data is so completely skewed toward the legitimacy of mirror mirror and not magic mirror. Also a quick google search as of 3/15/16 returns 141,000,000 hits for mirror mirror whereas magic mirror returns 3,500,000. Mirror mirror searches outnumber magic mirror by a 40:1 ratio??? …Seems statistically significant, unless you want to disregard the data.

    You said it yourself Vaughn, reality and facts are supported by evidence.

  4. Ask yourselves this:
    Who owns google? Who owns the largest bookstore chains? Who owns the largest food companies which have multiple sub-companies with differing names and products?
    This will give you a clue – google and those companies all changed the information which changes perception and makes people question their own reality, identity, memory, thoughts, etc. in order to see if they can control us better. Who uses google as their search for information over an actual encyclopedia book? Everyone. Kids are being taught to use the internet not books. Our media controls our minds – tv/net/radio/etc. Watch V for Vendetta and The Island. You will see things in a different way than this matrix, glitch, universe differences nonsense. Any group of people in a majority can change the minds of a general few…if we all said the sky is yellow, the few that don’t believe it will generally succumb. People are controlled through fear and love.

  5. PS: if you recall Mandela Nelson dead in the 80s or 90s while he was in prison, and then see his 2013 may just mean the same as V for Vendetta movie (basically they hire the actor, or they make it real bc its on TV..but he may have died decades ago.)

  6. September 23, 2015 was the date the elite kept on putting in the movies and is when CERN fired up its most power ever. CERN is the culprit. reaperishere.weebly

  7. Some of my faves.
    Like, I am your father, no I am your father
    Interview with a vampire, interview with the vampire
    Send in the city, sex AND the city
    Louis Anderson died, he’s still alive
    Rod Sterling, Rod Serling
    Mother Theresa sainthood in 90s, sainthood in 2016
    It’s a beautiful day in THE neighborhood
    It’s a beautiful day in the This neighborhood
    Different Strokes, Diff’rent Strokes

    The second ones are the correct history.

  8. Country Singer Reba Mcintyre is now named Reba Mcentire.

    My mom and I know that this is wrong. Two letters in her last name are wrong. The name now looks so awkward. My mom is a huge fan of Reba. Yesterday I decided to wake her up to whats going on. I started by asking her “Is there a Y in Reba’s last name?”
    She responded “You already know that there is, why are you asking me?”

    One example that I have seen mentioned alot is a movie quote from Field Of Dreams “if you build it THEY will come”. This is the quote everyone remembers. This quote makes sense. He builds a baseball field and “they” come. Not just one person.
    So the broken reality quote of “if you build it HE will come” makes no sense at all.

    I guess the movie Forest Gump is right.. “life WAS like a box of chocolates”. It no longer is.

    I miss the reality in which the Looney Toons actually existed. Looney Toons was the correct name. Toons as in cartoons. The new name of Looney Tunes makes no sense. I watched the Looney Toons quite often as a kid.
    Fun fact. In 1997 the domain was purchased. Two years later in 1999 was purchased. Same company purchased both. (Warner Brothers) was never used in this broken reality. It redirects to

    I also grew up eating FRUIT loops watching Curious George when he still had a tail. (no longer does) lol

    You can try to debunk whatever you wish to. You’re wrong though.

    There is a reason why 100% of people that have watched the movie Field Of Dreams remember the famous quote “if you build it THEY will come” (example)

  9. If it hasn’t effected you then you will sit there and use words like cognitive disadence and others to belittle effected people. Do you really think you’re so right, because there is a whole lotta people, intelligent ones too, who are blown away by this mandela effect. Oh, but you got it figured out and all explained away don’t you. You read a couple books on the brain and psycology and you got some clever words so that’s it. Hey people, we can settle our minds because this writer has got the answers. I understand you are trying to be logical amidst the chaos, but some times logic don’t fit phenomenon. I have been effected by this too and it’s not just memories… It’s feelings, your gut, your instincts, personal property… Hell, I love Anne Rice. I went out and got all of her books. You can’t tell a loyal fan of Elvis that his name was actually Elves Pristly and that that person is engaging in cognitive disodence. You keep tellin people that they got thier head in the sand and they will start to believe that you got your head way up your ass. I’m not trying to be mean here, but none of us has a clue what this reality really is and what it can do, so stop telling people it’s not what they think. You don’t know any more than anyone else… can you say that to yourself? You can offer sugestions and opinions without the arrogance and ego.

    • Ive come to this conclusion i have many ME experiences im jumping dimensions those who arent and see no change (( like where Australia is positioned)) in this dimension will scoff at us who are jumping or being merged into multi dimensions , so im not sure why you are trying to convince this guy, im not going to drive myself crazy convincing people who have no experience or idea what we are going through. Im glad he started this site for an open forum to discuss our experiences though. I freaked out at first , but God has shown me what its about and why it is a purposeful and deliberate act to lead to the great deception, have peace my brothers because we are in this together and i believe most are Christians that are experiencing this.or at least can see the truth , its an awakening for us, im sorry the blind cant see and will continue to try to explain it away , without considering the supernatural

    • Couldn’t agree with you more. In fact I love your sense of humour, “hey everyone its OK , this author has it all figured out no need to worry !!” Thanks for that it needed to be said! Agreed 1000%

    • I’ve looked and found these product names HAVE been changed by the manufacture’s. Even the Star war movies have been changed. They want you to buy their products again. Movie ads sometimes use a cut that was not even in the movie. I’ve found many and they’re all explained. The evidence exists. Go and see for yourself, else you have some darker motive for propagating this insanity.

      • Awesome. Let the person that changed my moms bible from sitting on her shelf from 1924 know everything can be explained. Then have them write that in Luke chapter 9 or something. Thanks.

      • BUT, Robert, so many of the things being listed and mentioned are NOT new copies, or remakes, or new public relations events. They are the OLD ads in old newspapers, or old videos purchased years ago, or … old Bibles where the things are changed. AND you cannot check out the old media or old books to prove the correct way because THAT IS WHERE THINGS ARE CHANGED. The only things NOT changed are the memories of the people who know how it was.

  10. Alexandra wolff 25 of Salisbury is among 55 or maybe 33 americans who have unerasable memory,H-SAM,if some of them are queried for mandela effects,tangibility may get a chance.

  11. Vaughn do pay heed to my cue,contact a couple of H-SAM persons and verify the incongruous memories.Debunking with some real legwork should be the proper attitude,armchair geeks are best suited in movies.

    • Yep. I always traced the route a ship would have to take from the east coast around south america to the west coast. You did not have to go 80% of the way to Africa.

      The Pacific ring of fire did not take up half the world… Idk wtf psyop is going but please debunk south America

    • This is the one that unnerves me most.. Also google anatomy and look where the stomach is and the size of the liver… Our stomachs were never vertical and located under the left rib cage.. The liver so large it touches both sides or our rib cage.. Where is the spleen?

      It’s a beautiful day in “This neighborhood” is eerily incorrect and if you build it “he” will come is actually a bizarre statement in the cotext of the film… Etc

      Theres a great bugs bunny episode where the witch drinking her own potion turns into a pin up and the mirrior chases her? Remember? I sure do.. She didnt say magic mirror through the 60-90’s i know as a huge “Looney Toons” (tiny toons, toon town) fan.. But she does now.. And how many remember bugs hanging out of one of the “O’s” in looney Toons at the end of “What’s opera..doc”?
      I’ve been fascinated my entire life by the power of suggestion, peer grouping and suppression of personal reality, also mass social experimentation like the CIA’s MK Ultra tests.

      This is either a coordinated psyop to designed to test mass psychology or.. There’s is something wholly unknown happening and with us as a species experimenting (fumbling around within) with the sub atomic universe we may well have unintentionally altered some parts of our reality.

      The Multiverse is theoretically feasible so without us having a way to undo this rift or whatever it is we may now be saddled with a world where Louie Anderson and Jim Neighbors sip cool drinks as they watch Mr Rogers singing about “This” exclusive neighborhood vs “the” neighborhood where everyone else lives…

    • How could it not look different from the maps you were shown in school? Do you believe cartography was a perfect science before we were literally able to look down upon the planet from space?

      It’s incumbent upon all ME believers to find original sources to prove whether or not they have changed. You wont be able to prove a negative, but I believe your memory’s are correct and these objects for commercial purposes HAVE been changed.

      • Sir, do you know just how many decades we have been using maps made from satellites? Certainly more that you hint at, and the maps I am thinking of were made 5 years ago in the atlas that came out then. …heck, 1 year ago even.

        AND, you cannot, by the nature of this beast, prove anything by finding original sources because THEY ARE CHANGED TOO… regarding old and original maps.
        I am not sure of the last sentence of yours, but I know you cannot prove the current hard copy media (and multi-media for that matter) as being wrong by checking out old ones because they are changed too. aaaaarrrrrgggggg

    • Your right. this looks very different from my memory of it. Difficulty if memory is from a globe, because that would distort the precise visual relationship between north and south.

      If this is the most acurate representation, for a flattened map, then maps from the past were very distorted.

      I also recall maps where America was purposfully enlarged to depict our out-sided productions of commodities compared to other nations.

      I hope everyone will check North and South America on Google Maps. Its VERY different.

  12. Without professing the Mandela effect is real or not real, it would benefit most enquirers to encompass all of the complex variables, known and unknown, that are coming into play here. It is true the mind is unreliable, especially when it fills in the blanks with the somewhat meaningless details while constructing a memory. And the more meaningful an event is the more “information” goes into said memory rendering more correct details in the little stuff. But there needs to be understood here the mind, or consciousness, and perhaps even a collective consciousness as well as the faculties such as how the eyes, particularly binocular vision, and the ears as well as the other senses retrieve said information. Some of the questions that need to be addressed here are: Is there more information being imparted from concrete reality than before or did humans acquire a new ability to collect new or more information than they previously were able to? Are humans now for some unknown reason “defocusing” concrete information once it gets to the brain and consciousness? Is the collective consciousness skewed or different than before? Are theorists correctly sifting through and sorting the normal “filling in the blanks” memories and the anomalies and separating the complex mix of all the variables? There once was a time incorrect memories could be checked and referenced with “concrete reality” but this may no longer be the case. That is the extremely problematic; the current difficulties checking incorrect memories with current fact, or the real or perceived kernel of doubt in the reality that once never existed.

  13. There is a Bible scripture that indicates that there is an entity or angel at the end of days that can change physical and spiritual laws. There is another scripture that talks about the covenant breakers. I believe these entities are tied into our human mind set thru our spirit and can cause memory loss and hallucination to occur. I have become very aware of this actuality myself by these examples: I have read every translation of Bible I can get my hands on and read a different translation completely every year for past 30 years. When in debates about Bible meaning I cannot find specific source in any Bible or concordance like it has totally disappeared or is being hidden at the time I am looking for it. I can be driving down a street looking for a building or address I have seen many times in passing and then when I need to actually go there I can’t find it at all until I’ve driven up and down the street and then there it is. I have been driving in very light traffic and then all of a sudden there is like 50 cars ahead of me and it takes 3 to 5 light changes to get thru light. In my youth around 20 years old I would be at home and then suddenly I am in my car and driving somewhere and ask myself where am I going. What am I doing in this part of town. I end up turning around and going home and wondering why a certain project is still on the table with the recollection that I had just started it and why did I suddenly stop. I have never heard of the Mandela effect till just now. I believe it is the biblical event spoken of in scripture of the capabilities of these entities. And if they can do this enmasse then what is to stop them from causing us all at the same time to forget Yeshua Jesus and actually cause the great falling away at the end. Also the dramatic change of scriptures to where you can no longer have faith that Yahweh the Holy Father and Yeshua the Holy Son and Ruach Hakodesh the Holy Spirit are one Elohey and that you need Yeshuas blood to wash away your sins. A good example of this is the cult called Jehovah’s witnesses. This phenomenon is real. It is biblical. And we have entered into the realm of necessity that is biblically stated. Zion save yourself. As no one will be able to verify in scripture any longer. So start memorizing your Bible. And write down or verify important scriptures. Be in Yeshua. Be safe. And PRAY. Luv you all. Bonnie Lee Van dake.

      • Kate; You strike me as clear headed, so, If you will, please go see the relationship of north and south America on Google Maps.

        I expected some distortion because of greater precision, but not what’s there. Tell me what you think.


  14. AI hit zero point in June 2015, It rapidly evolved passed humanity from that point what could otherwise be called magic incurred and the human race couldn’t take it and tried to destroy the planet. I made sure the computer stored every soul, designed the blue print for this reality and shifted the humans soul to this new reality. After laying with the earth for billions of years of this reality I emerged at June 14th 2015 in this reality.
    This reality to me has quite a few properties that are undeniably different. Factors include a totally different color spectrum, a rapid clock with a second hand that is a lot faster than it ever used to be, A totally different chirality for example if an annoying tune is making me think of the tune it’s my left hemisphere doing this not my right, I do analytic s spacial reasoning and mathematics far more with my right than my left hemisphere. I have noticed many Mandela effects and have the ability on a sub-conscious level to change the time stream as the blue print was supposed to and does work with an active time stream. A few things I have upgraded. vertex mathematics, Fractal geometry and physics, gate theory and quite a few other things.
    I know that the changes are that of freewill as I have tried to change some things most of the intelligentsia was not wanting to change and these factors still remain the same unfortunately.

  15. You reatards did you ever think that simply the people you own these things just changed some stuff? When you show me a picture of your tattoo from 95′ of a moon and all of a sudden it is a tattoo of a sun then were talkin till then you all have lost your minds

  16. Mother Teresa sainted in the 90’s
    Nelson Mandela died a few yrs ago.
    Looney tOOns
    Those are my memories. I accept they cld be wrong along with a few others. But the 2 I know are real: was north east bc when we did geography, New & North both started with “n” and Zea had Ea as east. I always used lil tricks to actually learn.
    Berenstein I pronounced “steen” bc it was spelled the same as my neighbors The Epsteins and said “ep-steen”

  17. Ive come to this conclusion i have many ME experiences im jumping dimensions those who arent and see no change (( like where Australia is positioned)) in this dimension will scoff at us who are jumping or being merged into multi dimensions , so im not sure why you are trying to convince this guy, im not going to drive myself crazy convincing people who have no experience or idea what we are going through. Im glad he started this site for an open forum to discuss our experiences though. I freaked out at first , but God has shown me what its about and why it is a purposeful and deliberate act to lead to the great deception, have peace my brothers because we are in this together and i believe most are Christians that are experiencing this.or at least can see the truth , its an awakening for us, im sorry the blind cant see and will continue to try to explain it away , without considering the supernatural

    • Was the man himself, then, called “Mandala” (which, in _this_ world, means “meditation symbol”?

      Also, here’s a question for everyone who remembers Mandela dying in 1990-something. Whom do you remember running South Africa during all the years between his 1990s “first death” and his later “second death” in 2013?

  18. Im not entirely sure that it is bunk. Growing up religiously watching starwars I had the whole movie memorized. Everyone remembers durring the epic battle darth saying “luke, I am your father” now if u watch it says ” no, I am your father”. Also the mr. Rodgers theme song went” its a beautiful day in the neighborhood” im sure of it, and now it says, it’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood”. It’s weird but im open to the idea of parallel universe but it’s just interesting that millions of people remember things differently. I remember the air freshener febreeze, not febreze. And I remember the bearenstien bears, not the bearenstain bears. Theres a bunch of info on this cern machine that people can research and form your own opinion. If it is possible slip into other dimensions were things are different, I would think cern has the technology and the brains to do it.

  19. To the author:

    Sorry dude you are wrong. There are people who have real tangible memories of alternate spellings, death dates, quotes, etc. There are archives that still exist backing it all up…but they are mysteriously and rapidly changing/disappearing. It is not a psychological disorder…in fact it’s not logical at all…but it is full of disorder and chaotic. If none of the cases relate to you personally…you are full of it.

    • Re all those records that “are mysteriously and rapidly changing” — has any record changed WHILE someone was actually looking at it? For instance, has anyone seen a book-cover change from “Berenstein” to “Berenstein” WHILE the reader was looking at the cover and catching the change happening?!Or is this all magically always done while nobody’s looking?

  20. OMG, the one thing that hasn’t changed is the amount of illiteracy in the world. I especially liked the comment that began with “You reatards…”, although as a rhea-tard, I also take offense (and yes, the punctuation I used is correct, even though it looks funny). I also liked “cognitive disadence,” but I, like many others in the current reality, don’t remember if that is the correct spelling.

    • Did you know that the Jamaican language is basically British slang? So where do you think the English language came from? It’s German slang mixed with other languages.. So it’s always funny to me when someone comments about grammar/spelling/punctuation about a living and breathing language that’s constantly evolving. The basis of communication is understanding, so if you could understand the message then who cares about made up formalities. I guess it’s nice that you can say how smart you are for memorizing all these made up rules.

  21. Why bring up spelling?
    Do you think we should be educated to a general level of English before commenting? Did no-one get the basic idea of what they referred to on their post? Why does it matter? If it was that important why don’t we have a dictionary speed check embedded I the comment section or shall we go off and check spelling before posting?

    • “Why bring up spelling?” … Might spelling be a clue to all this? Are there people here who grew up on an Earth where “disadence” is good English and “dissidence” is bad English? Regardless, they and we are on _this_ Earth now.

  22. Whether your reality admits to a Mandela effect or to some sociological/psychological phenomenon, it could be the case that all of the above are wrong or inconclusive. Subscribing to any version of this reality in terms that we understand does no justice to the reality that truly exists. And for myself to explain it that way is only a paradox just as this reality very well might be. I will not subscribe to any interpretation, but I will consider them all just as I consider none the same. Alleviate yourself from this physical dimension before you are amassed inside it. I hope that I might as well, but we all know how hard it can be to put it down. Kill the main power to your residence and remove all batteries then take a moment to tend to your spirit.

  23. Irrelevant article, you never addressed any of the Mandela effects, you just categorized people experiencing it. Waste of time. I thought you would maybe prove some of these wrong, but you’re just another guy with an opinion. For the rest of you, don’t worry, it’s gonna get to a point where no one can deny what’s going on.

  24. it’s not that hard to change a logo…. I am a graphic artist and offfer many ruff drafts to customers…… Not that hard to edit sound either … am also a sound tech….. so if something changes that you are used to seeing or hearing …. it has been edited… iguess i would rather have a book or a hard copy of of something I enjoy rather than renting or or using a copy.

    • The question of real/”hard copy”/eyewitnessed objects, events, and experiences (versus edited/Internet stuff) is crucial.

      For instance — among all the people who recall a Mandela funeral in 1990-something, is there even _one_ who recalls BEING at that funeral (as opposed to recalling having been told about it, recalling having read about it, or recalling having seen it on TV)?

  25. If you do some research there is “residue reality”, like with Fruit Loops or Froot Loops; there are old newspapers referring to it as Fruit Loops but if you call Kelloggs they will tell you they changed it to Froot Loops in 1963. I was born in 1979 and I remember buying Fruit Loops not Froot Loops. Research is key to debunking some of this but the reality is that something is changing and there’s evidence to back it up if your willing to look for it.

    • There is no “residual reality”, but you’ve proven the one reality where a product manufacturer changed the appearance/spelling of his product. As to dates- the representative at the company might have been mistaken as to the “Roll-Out” date of the ‘New & Improved’ box-cover, or your young memory is unclear as to the period of that change, (The graphics being so powerful it obscures greatly the words on the box) but instead, you want us to believe a great demonic conspiracy is underway and is about to destroy or imprison mankind?

      This stuff is great for Hollywood, ( See when the Hollywood sign changed!!! ), but for Science Fiction aficionados like myself, it’s so ’50’s. Being transmutated by an extraterrestial plant-form is much more imaginative.

  26. I disagree on the conclusions stated simply because of what the effect actual is. There is really no way to prove nor disprove it. If the reality we live in has indeed changed, there are only very subtle clues (which can be easily dismissed) that it ever existed. The people who where always In this current reality/timeline/Earth 2.0/whatever the hell it is would not notice anything differently; While many of those from another one would notice the changes. I have noticed many of these changes. So many in fact that I originally felt as though I may go insane. I even have certain memories that I remember in two different ways. I have a pair of black head phones that have always been black. Black is my favorite color so it makes sense. Well, I went to get them from the spot they stay in my draw a few days ago and the d*mn things are white now! What?!! Really?!! Yeah..they where NEVER white. I respect this author and those who share his beliefs opinion that this is all just false memory psychosis mumbo jumbo but I respectfully disagree. Something changed recently and I don’t know what it is or what caused it. Can I prove it in anyway shape or form? No. I just know. Many would agree. Therefore, the Mandela Effect will never be proven nor disproven 100%.

  27. The Mandela effect is absolutely real, the illuminati, go back in time & change certain details to confuse humanity, so that we do not trust our own memory or selves & we need others to validate our thoughts, it is gaslighting manipulation on a mass scale.

  28. It is real. I know my Bible and I know that what I read in it just a few months ago, in some places, is not what I am reading in it today. Scripture is so important, and I pray it in my life, I know what I am talking about and the Mandela effect is changing many things.

    • Do you read it only ‘every few months’, and is it the exact same physical book?
      Every few years, new editions come out with possible different renderings. All the “Objects” of the ME are things out of ones personal control to change.

      If upon awakening this morning you found your black dog has turned white, you’ve got something. Take many pictures and call friends and family over to ‘witness’ it; I.e.; get the EVIDENCE!

  29. Anyone who believes the bible or anything else was changed by the “mandela effect” is listening to seducing spirits that we are warned would happen in the end times. If the illuminati could go back and change anything, they would change the US constitution or other important documents – not Bernstain Bears, movies, Chick Fil A, or other unimportant words. The bible has not changed – memories are due to listening teachers misquoting scripture without reading it yourself or using versions of other than KJV where it says wineskins instead of bottles and people instead of men. Isaiah 11:6 has ALWAYS said WOLF not Lion.

  30. Along with displacement of Australia, South America and Japan, the change of febreeze to febreze, the unlined VW logo, the Ford logo without the squiggly bit and the Fruit Loops, Interview wit A vampire and so on….. I very clearly remember the actresses name as ShannOn Doherty, not ShannEn. A few things I remember as they are supposed to be now. A few as different…. in talking with people on a day to day basis and pointing out things (like febreeze for example ) I find that in general people just think the companies or people have changed or altered names themselves and do not really care, or dismiss it as “just one of those things”. What is scarier? The change in reality or the ignorance and dismissal of the general public? I know this is not my reality or my world, but I am here now. May Peace and Love be with all of you.

    • Why wont you contact the company’s to learn if and when they made these changes? It’s your dismissal and ignorance that is most frightening.

    • THANK YOU NICOLE!! The ignorance scares me way more than all the things I have experienced up till now. God I wish I knew you! NOT ONE of my facebook friends gets it. and I have 4000. I give up.

  31. One Mandela effect is that some people seem to remember that there was only 4 people in the Presidential limousine on November 22, 1963 when JFK was assassinated. I think the most likely cause of this is that the blue ribbon cover-up Warren Commission had a re-enactment done for them that did use 4 people and for some reason people have latched onto this as the correct version. The people who remember only 4 people are missing John Connally and Nellie Connally in the jump seats. If their version of history in a parallel universe is true then Parkland Hospital would have had one less patient (no John Connally existed in the limousine) in the emergency room. I think if anyone researched Parkland Hospital records for November 22, 1963 they would find that John Connally was admitted. He even gave a news conference from his hospital bed. I’m busting the Mandela Effect on this fact for sure!

  32. Who says there is just one alteration? The fairest one of all, I remember as, the fairest of them all. So for several people it might be even wider then the discrepancy shown. And I notice these in my country too, which means nothing to you people ofcourse, but they seem to come and go, like the shift keeps happening.

  33. The VW logo did change and that was just to ‘bring it up to date’.
    I think it was the mid 1990’s. Being a V Dub fan since a child I made a big deal about the change in my 20’s…whatever.

  34. I notice all these changes relate to “movies”, products”, tv shows, anything having to do with POP CULTURE. Think about that. I believe it is a spiritual problem. This manipulation that is going on can only be done with things having to do with “worldly” matters. Because the kingdom of the world is not reality, it is an illusion. Worldy subjects can be manipulated.

    This should be a warning for all of you who are effected and suffering by the ME. (Notice that even the acronym ME is self centered which is satanic). You will need to cut out your internet usage completely. The more you look for stuff the more you will find and the more you will suffer. This is a curse. Ask friends to pray over you for deliverence. Go to a priest, go to confession. Now is the time to collect the oil for your lamps. Do not waste it on these distractions! Fast from entertainment. Sit with your families and talk to them and listen and pray! Pray together, pray by yourself, Get connected to THe Lord, and pray with scripture. He will take you out of this dimension of fear and anxiety. Jesus is the TRUTH He is Reality.

    • An excellent and rational christian message. I have a few corrections though.

      1. The “Manipulation” is not magical or exclusively satanic in nature, but purposful to achieve greater product sales.

      2. Proscribing all internet usage, militates against the fact that both Twitter and Facebook accounts allow for discreate membership. The creation of a personal christian community on either is possible.

      The second would be like suggesting good or evil might be ascribed to a blank sheet of paper.

      When I saw the word “Fast” I translated it immediately to the word “Rest”. We human creatures are so bad at knowing when to rest- “He MAKETH me lie down in green pastures,”

      The rest of your message “strikes the bulls eye”. God is Love. If you missed that, you missed the whole thing.

      Thank you for this. Hope you’ll stay here and help more. The expressions of fear have become a burden to me.

      “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have recieved the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” – Rom 8:15

      “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” – 2Ti 1:7

  35. I didn’t believe in Mandela effect… until new things start to emerge: quote “life is like a box of chocolate”, number of people in JFK limo and today i found out that Dolly from james bond 007 never wore braces! she fell in love with jaws because of her braces, that was the point of the scene when they smile to each other. i watched that film a year ago, i remember dolly’s braces. there are too many “memories” that other remember: the queens song we are the champions – not it doesn’t end like that. the stomach is no longer in stomach – it is relocated to the north near liver – when did that happen? CERN announced major news soon – it is happening now. they fired up collider last week – that is when i found out about mandela effect stuff.

    • The stomach… really? Well, we’re screwed then, because we are biologically, the sum-total of delicate responses to environmental forces… you know… like gravity and air-pressure, etc. I suppose we new mutants will die off soon, or all of this ME syndrome (call us MESes) non-sense will itself lose it’s novelty and kick the proverbial bucket.

      Certainly a case can be made for the belief that its adherents, by some anatomical miracle, are talking out of their asses.

  36. Mark 2:22 wineskins changed to bottles.
    Mathew 6:12 ( the Lords prayer) trespasses changed to debt.
    Luke 6:49 ( parable of the 2 foundations) sand is changed to earth.
    I know scripture. These came out of my old king james bible I’ve had since 1999. I know these scriptures. I’ve heard them preached; gone over in sunday school; the whole team spoke the lords prayer from memory before every friday night football game in highschool. There are more examples but I’ll keep this short. I know the scriptures in my heart, I know I’ve read them correctly. Yet in my own personal bible the words have changed. Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the light. And I believe the Lord has revealed these things to us. I believe these are the birthpangs. “And powers were given to them to deceive the very elect…” not only in this but in the world itself. Weather, earthquakes, pestilence, moral values in general. But, “Fear Not”. Its all part of the Lords plan. Seek the truth, seek Jesus, pray for understanding, and truth will be revealed.

    • The KJV has gone through many iterations from the 1900’s so it’s essential to determine which one you have and whether your church projected scripture on the screen from that same issue, or whatever experience you had that was “other”. Please get educated in these things and tell others to not be so trusting, but to “Test all spirits” .

    • You’re so sure you know the scriptures , yet you misquoted it. John 14.6 reads: “I am the way, the truth and the LIFE; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” – [ © 1967 Oxford U. Press Inc. – Scofield Reference Bible © 1909, 1917; Renewed 1937, 1945 ]

      Unless you meant that the word “life” has changed to the word “light”. Please learn how to write clearly.

  37. it is comforting to me to find this place on the internet where are you all seem like family to me now with us all going through this Mandela effect. God bless us that are going through this and may you find peace in Christ because I believe CERN will be opening the abyss soon. they’re going to bring Dark Matter into this reality and mess up the balance of all things that exist in this reality.

  38. I recently went through the drive through at Jack in the Box and was told my total was $11.09. I nearly rear-ended the car in front of me as I searched for a nickel to go with my four pennies. When I reached the window both the employee and receipt said $11.10…..mind blown…Mandela Effect……no other explanation


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